African road safety

Road Safety Week: Africa Takes the Wheel in Tackling Traffic Fatalities

African youth are dying at an alarming rate due to road accidents, which have become the leading cause of mortality among young people on the continent.

In a bid to tackle this issue, governments across Africa are taking action during Road Safety Week from 15 to 21 May to reduce traffic fatalities and improve vehicle safety.

Recent statistics show that African countries have been hit the hardest by road crashes, with fatality rates at 27 per 100,000 inhabitants, three times higher than Europe’s average of nine and well above the global average of 18, according to the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

Despite the fact that Africa has only 2% of the world’s vehicle fleet, it accounts for a quarter of the global number of victims. These statistics make it clear that something must be done to address the issue of road safety in Africa urgently.

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, recently visited West Africa to witness the tragedy of road accidents firsthand.

Following this visit, Mr. Todt said that “Africa is particularly affected by the tragedy of road accidents, which is the leading cause of youth mortality.” The right investment can save lives, he added. Governments, the private sector, and civil society are partnering in a new initiative supported by the UN Road Safety Fund aimed at regulating the export and import of used vehicles in Africa.

This initiative will focus on regulations and technical inspections to import safer and environmentally friendly vehicles in Africa, thereby avoiding tragic accidents. When fully implemented, this project will have a “significant impact” on the environment, health, and road safety, according to UNECE.

Recent tragic bus accidents in Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire have sparked public outcry and highlighted the need for action on road safety. Obsolete fleets of vehicles, a lack of technical control, and failure to comply with highway codes were among the factors that contributed to these incidents.

Addressing obsolete vehicle fleets requires special attention in West Africa, where countries mainly rely on imports of heavily used vehicles.

African road safety
African road safety

In 2016, the average age of the vehicle fleet in Senegal was 18 years, with 40% older than 20 years, according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Senegal had enacted a decree in 2001 limiting the age of imported cars to five years, amending it in 2012 to eight years, UNECE said.

Additionally, efforts are being made to protect the most vulnerable road users, namely pedestrians and cyclists, who are often also the poorest and youngest. Africa has the highest proportion of cyclist and pedestrian fatalities, accounting for 44% of the total number of road deaths. Road accidents trap countries in a vicious cycle of poverty, with the cost of road accidents representing 8% of Senegal’s annual GDP and 7.8% of Côte d’Ivoire’s, according to the World Bank.

The main causes of road accidents in Africa are drunk driving, speeding, drowsiness, negligence, non-use of seat belts and helmets, and non-compliance with traffic regulations. Other contributing factors include an ageing vehicle fleet in public transport, false licenses, lack of enforcement of penalties, and a dearth of rigorous technical inspections. Possible solutions to these issues include strengthening health services for crash victims, adhering to the African Road Safety Charter and the UN Basic Conventions on Road Safety, raising awareness, and implementing strict new measures.

Despite the challenges, both Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire have announced strong measures to make their roads safer.

These measures include national road safety plans aimed at reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries by at least 50%, strengthening road controls, limiting the circulation of public transport vehicles, banning the importation of used tires, providing free technical control in Dakar for transport and goods vehicles, and opening technical control centers across the country.

Côte d’Ivoire is also creating a traffic police force and enforcing helmet wearing for all cyclists.

Commitments have been made, but implementation and measuring progress remain the most difficult parts of the process. It is essential that African governments continue to work together to reduce the number of road accidents and improve vehicle safety. By investing in safer vehicles, improving infrastructure, and raising awareness among road users, we can reduce the number of fatalities on our roads and prevent further tragedies.

Praise Ben

A designer and write for HseNations

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