Violence in workplace

Harnessing Occupational Safety and Health: Tackling Violence and Harassment in the Workplace

In a recent report from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the focus is on leveraging occupational safety and health (OSH) frameworks to address the root causes of violence and harassment while promoting collective action for improved work environments

Titled ‘Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures’, the report highlights that over one in five employed individuals have encountered violence and harassment.

It underscores that these issues transcend various workplace settings and can occur during commutes, business trips, digital interactions, social gatherings, and even within home-based offices.

According to the report, integrating OSH measures is crucial for fostering an inclusive, cohesive, and gender-sensitive strategy to prevent and eradicate violence and harassment in workplaces.

OSH frameworks play a pivotal role in tackling the underlying risks associated with violence and harassment, including inadequate work structures, task-related factors, and stressful working conditions that can contribute to such incidents.

Furthermore, the report emphasizes that OSH frameworks, built on workplace collaboration and dialogue, engage both employers and employees in creating violence- and harassment-free work environments.

It is part of the broader research project, ‘Practical guidance and tools to prevent and address violence and harassment in the world of work: An OSH perspective’, jointly supported by the European Commission and the ILO.

The significance of the report is underscored by the adoption of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190), and its Recommendation (No. 206), marking a significant international commitment to uphold the right to a workplace free from violence and harassment.

This commitment was further reinforced during the 2022 International Labour Conference, which enshrined a safe and healthy working environment as one of the fundamental rights in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Praise Ben

A designer and write for HseNations

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