Workplace abuse, violence, and aggression: What the law says.

  1. Overview.
  2. What the law says.
  3. Identifying the dangers of workplace abuse and violence.
  4. Control measures to prevent workplace abuse and violence.
  5. Reporting and learning from incidents.
  6. Examples of Abuse And Violence Prevention.

2. What the law says.

Workplace abuse, violence, and hazards are subject to the same health and safety laws as other workplace dangers. The most important pieces of related law are listed below.

Workplace Health and Safety Act

This Act imposes a legal obligation on employers to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees to the greatest extent practically feasible. This includes safeguarding them against workplace violence.

Every company must have a health and safety policy in place.

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Employers are required by these Rules to examine the health and safety hazards to workers, including the risk of workplace violence.

Moreover, employers are required to:

  • Appoint competent people.
  • Set up emergency procedures.
  • Provide information and training to workers.
  • Work together with employers sharing the same workplace.

Employees, on the other hand, must apply the information and training they have acquired and report any harmful circumstances or flaws in health and safety measures.

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 

Employers, some self-employed individuals, and others in control of work premises are required by these Rules to report certain workplace accidents, dangerous occurrences, and occupational illnesses to HSE.
More information on reporting violent incidents

Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations

Employers are required by these Rules to communicate with their employees or their representatives on health and safety issues.

Health and Safety Regulations

These Rules apply in workplaces where employees are not represented by representatives nominated by recognised labour unions.

Other sources of legal guidance

The HSE is not the principal authority in situations of workplace bullying, harassment, or domestic violence. There are, however, alternative sources of advice.

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