How to be a supportive manager in your workplace



When a manager does not simply delegate tasks and receive results but instead supports an employee until the task’s completion. This is called supportive leadership. One of the best ways to be a supportive manager is to have adequate knowledge of supportive leadership. Until a manager, whether he or she is empowered and skilled enough to handle tasks with minimal supervision in the future, there will be no growth towards becoming a supportive manager.

This article will discuss some few details on how every manager can be supportive to their employees in their various organizations.

1. Stay at the forefront.
It is always very important to keep ahead of the curve on producing productive results. What works today for employees might not be a good fit a year from now. To be a supportive manager will require being at the forefront to learn and understand various approaches to which duties and functions can be performed without inflicting stress and pain on the employees. Besides, attaining the level of supportive stand as a Manager also requires the need to consider style, methods and precautions to which situations can be controlled. All this which requires the person to always be on the front line.


2. Let employees be aware of their options.
While employees often do a good job of highlighting their work-life balance offerings to prospective job candidates, the same can’t be said for communicating those initiatives to current employees. Regularly discuss with your employees the options that are available to them. A typical example is discussing and making highlights of what is expected and not expected of them at a certain time, places or condition. An employee is likely to see how supportive you are when your stand as a Manager is clearly stated to them.

3. Know what your employees are striving for.
Every employee of a different organization has their level of expected achievement, they have different taste and view of what they are striving to achieve both as a long or short time. A supportive manager will find a way to understand and tend to what his or her employees are striving to achieve. Understanding the need to achieve what the employees are striving towards must also be done with a deep level of intelligence and reality as this does not only give the employees the impression that you are supportive, it also boost their moral to strive more and achieve more.


4. Be a good example.
One of the most interesting and, of course, difficult ways to be a good and supportive manager is by setting a good example through your actions and in actions. An employee is likely to find a manager who posses good and excellent qualities of support since they understand them to have such good characteristics naturally. Our employees follow your lead. If you send emails at all hours of the day and night or work hard on the weekends, your staff thinks that is what is expected of them too. When you take your duties and how it should be performed, when it should be performed with frivolity, your employees are likely to follow that path too.


Staying supportive can be very interesting when workplace is concerned, the need for immediate improvement and understanding by managers is very important as it helps to put the employees into understanding and following the right path through the lessons they have learnt either directly or indirectly from the managers.

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