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Things to do when you noticed employees feeling overworked

When employees are overworked, they are unable to maintain a good work-life balance. Long hours, stressful tasks and too few breaks lead to an employee feeling overworked. When you are overworked, you may experience burnout and lose focus. Burnout comes from extended workplace stress and can lead to feelings of exhaustion, reduced efficiency at work and a mental distance from work.

How to know when your employees have heavy workload

There are a lot of reasons employees may overwork, regardless of whatever the reason maybe is, either because deadlines approach faster than expected and employers ask their employees to work overtime to get everything done on time. Or overtime pay which may motivate employees in this situation, they may still leave work feeling tired.

Below are things to do once you notice your employees are getting overworked.

1. Incorporate easier tasks into your workflow.
If one task takes a while to complete, you can break it up into different segments. This way, once you complete a segment, you can take a break or work on an easier task to still be productive while helping yourself re-energize. Choose tasks that require less brainpower or physical work. You need to be able to control how you handle your task by fixing them into segments for a faster approach to finishing.

2. Complete one task at a time.
The most important thing is to ensure you aren’t performing more than one task at a time, most especially when the task is tedious or requires more energy or knowledge. People are more productive when they do have one task at a time. Create a list of your tasks in order of priority and then get started on the most important tasks first. Only focus on what you are currently doing and think about the next task once you have fully completed the first one. This will help you stay organized and relaxed when you have many things on your to-do list.

Things to do when you noticed employees feeling overworked
Things to do when you noticed employees feeling overworked

3. Communicate with your manager.
Communication, they said, is the best way to get to the root of a problem. If you feel like you have too many responsibilities or need a break from working long hours, communicate this with your manager. They may not realize that you are feeling this way, so meeting with them will help them understand your point of view. Work together to figure out a plan to reduce your workload. Maybe your manager can find someone else to complete a task, or they could extend your deadlines. Sometimes the jobs may not even be really very important, they need to take a little time, it can be extended to give you more time and space.


4. Use your paid time off.
Every organization gives paid off time for a reason, the best you can do is make sure to use it well to your own advantage. A good time to use your paid time off is after a busy season at work. This will allow you to focus on yourself and take time to relax after all of your hard work. To reduce your stress, you may even choose to use one day of paid time off as a mental health day. By using the time off you need, you can return to work feeling motivated and ready to be productive again.

5. Set boundaries
Every line of action should have its own boundaries set. When there are boundaries, there is likely to be a reduction in abuse or misconception of what is expected of the employees. The earlier you establish these boundaries and the more you follow them, the better your work-life balance will be. For example, once you are done with work for the day, let your team know you will not be checking your emails or messages until the next morning.

Sometimes the solution to feeling overworked is looking for a new workplace that values work-life balance more than your current employer. So if you feel your abilities are being abused in the term of man power, reaching out for more opportunities may also be a better way out.

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